Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris dengan Topik "Penghapusan Ujian Nasional (UN)"

Hai , ini salah satu contoh pidato Bahasa Inggris yang saya tampilkan pada saat lomba speech contest beberapa waktu lalu dan isi pidato ini berdasarkan pendapat saya pribadi dan juga bersumber pada pendapat-pendapat orang lain beserta fakta yang terjadi. Peace and Love! 💕 #spreadlovenothate

Good morning ladies and gentleman. The honorable judges and committee , and all the audiences. First of all, let us thank to God because he has given us health, opportunity, and happiness so that we feel very happy and healthy today. But first let me introduce myself, my name is Cindy Farida , from ..... Vocational High School.

Today, I’m going to deliver speech about the abolition of National Examination.It’s not an old news and also always becomes the hot topic about the issue of the abolition of national exam, since about 5 years ago there has been always an issue about this however national exam still held. So,what actually happens about education in our country? Many pros and cons about this issue. Let’s open our mind to think about what actually the national examination is.

Standard evaluation system of primary&secondary education in Indonesia is based on National Examination. Yes,National Examination is the way to decide whether students will pass or not by doing the test within a three-day period.

Is Abolishing National Exam Justified?
There are pros & cons
⇒ Cons , because they have their opinion that the result of national exams is one of the school goals that can apply the national education curriculum then the result of national level final examination are one of the most important determinants to student admission in many tertiary education institutions outside Indonesia and can increase the quality of the education. We must admit National Examination has encouraged and motivated student to study hard more and more

But the fact is?

Education is obliged and the rights to all the people so there’s no discrimination. Before, about 1965 named Country Exams or in bahasa Ujian Negara, but since 2005 until now named National Examination or in bahasa Ujian Nasional that the system or the policy from many years ago until now is always different which becomes the standard of evaluation. How come? National Exam is a standard that cannot become a standard. Why? Let’s compare quality of education in village and at the town. It’s very different. National exam isn’t ready to become the standard because the participants haven’t get the same authority,such as the building, material and also qualified teachers.

Here are the points why national examination should be abolished.

1. When the national examination is conducted, news about cheating students&key leakge are always heard. Many students cheat as long as the exam.
Government policy which stated the national exam as one of the criterias to graduate, makes the students do that. The students worry about their future and all the money that had been spent by their parents over 12 years since they started studying. Government acts as determiner their future whereas government never intervene or never teach at school. 

2. In the school, students study several subjects. But in national exam students are only tested 4 subjects. The fate of their passing or failing the senior high school level is determined by the results of those subjects.
So, isn’t a good idea if the students only learn those 4 subjects during school period?Just like the end of students life determined by 3 days, review the subjects for over 3 years. How come the criteria based on these 3 days.It sounds strange but that is the fact that we have faced nowadays.Additionally, National exam provides no measurement to morals & character development aspect of education. 

Maybe it has been too long that national exam becomes a problem. But if we think again, it is necessary if national exam still conducted? Much news about cheating students and key leakge and there’s always a problem with the paper test. This has happened for a long time, isn’t better if national exam be abolished? Because there are always many issues during national exam is conducted. 

From 2 different opinions, government claimed to fix the education system in our country. Such as government still conduct national exam but not as the criteria pass student’s education. National exam held only to evaluate student’s skill or hand over the evaluation to every place or according to its place so it can determine what test should be matched with the students. 

That’s all from me, sorry if I have mistaken, I hope u enjoy and understand my speech , thank you for your attention and I’m happy to be here. 
